Our School Day
Exams, Assessments and Reporting

We continually conduct informal assessments on our youngsters, evolving and revising teaching approaches and programs as needed. Students in Years 5 to 8 take official exams at the conclusion of the Michaelmas and Trinity terms, with Year 8s doing mock exams at the end of the Lent term, prior to the CE exams. We have a different exam schedule that includes accommodations for students who require access arrangements such as readers, scribes, and extra time. Students in Years 1–4 take exams as well, but in their own classrooms and timetables.
We also host Open Days for current parents at the end of each term. Open Days provide parents with the chance to meet with their child’s Tutor, as well as any particular subject teachers (including Learning Support teachers), to review academic performance and results, as well as any pastoral difficulties that may have developed throughout the term.
Every half-term and at the end of each term, parents receive reports. Half-term reports include effort and attainment grades for all subjects, as well as a tutor comment; end-of-term reports include effort and attainment grades, individual exam results, and form averages, as well as detailed comments from subject teachers about the child’s performance in each subject.